Car Forums
- Great exposure to the target market you're trying to reach.
- No listing/selling fees
- You're likely to get close to the fair market value for your wheels.
- Dealing with enthusiasts usually means you'll have a seamless transaction.
- You can see who you're dealing with, their involvement within the forum community by looking @ their profile & previous posts.
- Car Forum buyers can be capricious, make superfluous complaints knowing PayPal will typically side with the buyer.
- You will get some low ball offers and tire kickers.
- Take very detailed pictures or video over a newspaper or something with the date on it in the event a buyer makes a false claim stating you misrepresented the wheels.
- Create a very detailed listing with any questions you think a buyer could want to know including: offsets, size, detailed pictures, etc.
- Keep the buyer informed & try to ship out the wheels within the week.
I hope you found my guide for selling wheels, rims, tires or other items on Craigslist, eBay or Car Forums to be useful!
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